Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Final Days...

As unbelievable as it is, my time here is coming to its end...

Tomorrow I have my final test and evaluations of the program. Then, I will be off to watch the Huskies play their first March Madness game to distract myself as I await my family´s arrival! We will spend the weekend touring Quito and then head off to the Galapagos Islands next week. Then, HOME! Yay! I can not wait to eat some Chinese food, and Thai food, and teriyaki, and Indian food...basically anything non-Ecuadorian or from Trader Joe´s (how I´ve missed thee).

I have had an incredible experience here. From jungles to ruins to volcanoes to rivers to cities to beaches, I´ve pretty much seen it all! I will definitely treasure all the memories I have made and all the, probably, once in a lifetime experiences I have had. I am glad to have stepped off the normal paths of study abroads, as much as I am sure I would have enjoyed constantly eating gelato in Italy. I´ll still make it there someday! Mostly, it has been a huge growing experience where many times I have had to go outside my comfort zone. I hope I can carry back home the patience, spontaneity, flexibility and spanish speaking abilities that I have grown so much in.

I will look forward to catching up with all of you soon after I get back to the US (the 28th). Hope everyone does well on finals and has a safe and fun-filled spring break! Or that your next week of work goes smoothly if you´re no longer living the college life. Love to you all! Thanks for reading!

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